3D animation generalist, artist, illustrator, interior designer, storyboarder, graphic designer. I love to work in many different areas of visual art and enjoy learning new skills to push my creative ideas into new directions.

Friday 10 June 2011

Lighting Tests

CGI Lighting Tests using XSI Softimage.

A bright sunny day lighting test. Pre-production test as part of my MA final piece. There are 3 spots associated to the character, Character key, fill and rim. Also a point light associated to the backplate. Character is a test model.

This Light test is for the opening shot of my final piece for the MA. I is supposed to look a little like a sunrise. Notice the non-realistic look of the rendering. I was trying to recreate a painted finish. Like a animated painting coming to life. I used camera projections for the textures and set up a small light rig to highlight the landscape and animated a point light to create the effect of dawn. A simple test. on reflection for the final piece I will included some colour changes with reds, oranges and blues.

Further to my simple experiments above I have also rendered some scene lights tests. with lighting for different times of the day.

This is a early morning light test. The light is clear and clear, but there is a hazy eliment to the atmosphere. This Scene is at the beginning of the piece. The Scarecrow will slowly lift his head as the realisation of his predicament has begun again!

This scene is midday light test about half way through the piece, the pose is taken from icon imagary of jesus on the cross. looking down on us.

This scene is a twilight light test, as the sun begins to set. The scarecrow's movements will become more desperate and violent as he knows when darkness comes he will again slump into a dormant state.

Here is a night time light test. The last frame we slowly zoom out from the slumped scarecrow and the light fades to black.

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